Friday, April 27, 2012


Well, they did it.  Over budget, a month over the original estimate and not exactly the 37' they promised, but THEY DID IT.  They widened the beach in Waikiki.  What on earth will I rant and rave about now?  What will I analyze and shake my head in disbelief too on my nightly walks along the beach?  Well, it's Waikiki, I'm sure there will be something.  There is a major sewer pipe project about to start that they project will make parts of Waikiki smell like the busiest public restrooms on the planet.  That should be fun.  Somehow I don't think it will garner the same interest for me though.

I have to say, with all the delays and missteps, the beach is wider and will accommodate more folks in a more comfortable way.  The downside is that the sand is all gray and ugly (it takes several months for the sun to bleach the sand) and packed down so it's not real soft to walk on.  There's more pieces of coral littered thru the sand also, but what can you do?  It's wider!

The dump trucks have rolled out and now they are restoring the one pond area which they used as their staging ground.  In essence, they are recreating this part of the beach to once again be, a beach.  That should be done in the next couple of days and then all will be back to "normal".

If there's anything you would like to know about Waikiki, please feel free to contact me thru this blog or my twitter account (@WaikikiUG) or at  Give me your ideas and I'll do my best to write about them.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! You have an interestin Site. Maybe you could post some nice photos of the "new" Waikiki Beach?

    PS: I have a German Hawaii-Blog:
